This was one of the first churches that was created specifically as a response to an immigrant population. Polish immigration was concentrated in London after World War II into the late 1980’s. In 1954 the Polish community agitated for a creation of a Polish based church and Our Lady of Czestochowa was founded.
However, though the creation of the new church was important, it was still too small for the rising cultural community in London. In 1983 the church was forced to expand because of the large number of immigrants. The church community was an important center for Polish immigrants and was at times responsible for immigration fees and aided in the social welfare of new immigrants. The church has continued to be a center for the polish community, and functions not only as a religious space, but also as a cultural community center. The church puts on festivals for the community yearly.

Right: Congregation of Our Lady Czestochowa.
Left: Iconography of Our Lady of Czestochowa. She is depicted as theVirgin Mother holding Christ.