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           First St. Andrew's Church began as a response to the influx of Scottish immigration within the London community. The congregation were originally part of the Presbyterian Church that later became First United Church.

          In 1833 after the United Church was established, Scottish members formed the Colonial Committee of the Church of Scotland. Their members gained a land grant from the City of London in April 1842 for two plots of land, one on Queen's Avenue (formerly called North Street), and on Dufferin Street (formerly known as Duke Street). The Church of Scotland laid the cornerstone for their new church on Good Friday of 1842. The original building was 45 feet by 60 feet, and was built for  500 pounds by Alexander McDonald. In addition the Scottish Church established a building that was made for Sunday School and Gaelic servies.

             First St. Andrew's was also very concerned with education and extracurriculars of children. After the church had established space for Sunday School, it established it's own religious school. It opened on September 11, 1843. Children were required to participate in community programs through the church as well. Boys and girls from ages 12-14 joined Canadian training programs and girls were later required to assist in planning church events.

             By 1867 the congegation had risen from just over a hundered to 410. It was time to consider building a new church.

             A committee was formed on March 20, 1867 to plan the building of the new church to be called St. Andrew's. It was planned and the cornerstone was laid by the minister on May 24, 1868. It was finally completed on October 31, 1869 and there was a social gathering the next day.

The one thing that was abesnt from St. Andrew's was music. Previous minister's had refused to allow organs in the church. The congregation adgitated for musical instruments until 1888 when an organ was finally installed. It was replaced in 1910, and a harp and chimes were added, and a choir loft was installed.

            The mid 20th century saw more changed to the interior of the church. In 1938 the pews were reoriginized to create a central aisle, and the pulipt and lecturn were moved to either side of the front so that the communion table became the focus. The pews were also moved from being curved in a theater style, to two sides that aligned with the lecturn and pulpit.

            First St. Andrew's United Church maintains its style today. It is decorated with lovely stained glass windows all around the church, and the organ is the central feature on the second floor balcony.





First St. Andrew's was very concerned with education at the turn of the century. They set up special schools to teach the Chinese immigrant population in London. 

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